Ayurveda is a science of life especially dedicated to health. Maintaining health of a healthy individual by various measures of health promotion is one of the most important specialty of ayurveda. It is said that in sat yuga there was a battle between two different worlds , in treta yuga battle was between people of two different countries (Ramayana), in dwapar yuga battle was in the family it was between brothers (Mahabharat). Now Kali Yuga is running where evil has came even closer to us and is within us , so battle is between good and bad within us.
It depends on how we conquer the evil within us. Evil will encourage to do all the wrong things and god will show us a path of good things, its upto us that to whom we allow win, evil or god. All the wrong deeds we do is considered as a paap karma for which there is a punishment and for every good deed we do there is a reward. It applied to our health too. Whatever we do good for health will promote our health whatever is against health destroy it.